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Thursday, February 02, 2006

Shpat Kasapi Video


  1. Anonymous said...
    shpat kasapy i am from pakistan.
    your this song it's is veryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
    nice song i have one boy friend from kosovo he told me you are new but good singer so today i was listening you song i was very nice good song and video was very nice gooodddddddddddddddddddddddd work and good luck .GOD BLESS YOU
    Anonymous said...
    hi @ shpat kasapi
    c kemi ?? mund te me tregon ndo njeri kur do vinte shpat kasapi ne gjermani(NRW)per ndo nje koncert apo mbremje rinore?????????
    faleminderit per mirkuptimin e juaj....shpat, te deshiroj suksese ne qdo aspekt te jetes
    zoti gjithmone qoft pran teje
    Anonymous said...
    hi @ shpat kasapi
    c kemi ?? mund te me tregon ndo njeri kur do vinte shpat kasapi ne gjermani(NRW)per ndo nje koncert apo mbremje rinore?????????
    faleminderit per mirkuptimin e juaj....shpat, te deshiroj suksese ne qdo aspekt te jetes
    zoti gjithmone qoft pran teje
    Anonymous said...
    Yo Yo What Up Man Can This Sexy Man Get Any Sexier Anyways He Is Hot His Music Is Perfect Shpati I Love You and I will Always Love U No Metter What Holla Hugges And Kisses For Shpati Only I love U Baby
    Anonymous said...
    Shpati God Bless You And Your Beautiful Soul Always U Deserve It You Are The Best.
    Anonymous said...
    Shpati ppl iz da best
    he iz young 2 which makez it even beta
    SHAPT Kasapi rrofsh!!!!
    entela gaxha----Angli
    Anonymous said...
    hi @ all...wollt nur mal einen lieben grüss hier lassen ...und
    @ ~*~ SHPAT KASAPI ~*~ ... i wish u all the best i hope to see ya in kosova this summer!!!
    zoti gjithmon qoft pran teje!!
    ju deshiroj suksesse....suksesse
    suksesse ...suksesse... vazhdoni keshtu,je yll bote ...ju pershendes nga gjermania tung
    Anonymous said...
    hey hey ppl !
    shpat kasapi i love you so much ! you are my babi boi for love !
    and all you shpat kasapi lovers i love you too ! ;)
    te dua shume shpati ! ju shume e bukur !
    bye bye
    kisses hugs hollaz and smilez
    Anonymous said...
    hey shpat si je qa po bon ey une jom ABO nga Grupi:ABO44 sa her duhet ty met thon qe shum te urrej po mirre ma mir adresen time edhe mujsh me kuptu pse te urrej se ndryshe per tan jeten ska me ta lon vendin adresa ime eshte
    Anonymous said...
    hej shpat je nje bukurosh i vertet po ashtu je edhe nje këngëtar jasht zakonishti i bukur Qao te pershendes unë ARNISA nga PRIZRENI
    Anonymous said...
    shpati ti je 1 je me i miri heheheheh je me i bukuri dhe kengetari im i preferuar mere e-mailin tim me njeh......
    Anonymous said...
    hey shpat ur really hot!!! U should come to United States In Chicago for a concert. ur awesome and good luck hope to see u in Kerqove!!!!!
    Anonymous said...
    i loooveeeeeeeeee you shpati
    Anonymous said...
    you are the best singer i now i love your songs your style you are always hot
    Anonymous said...
    ahhahahhahahhhahahahaahhhaahahhhhahhaahh kot ju vasha tranoheni per shpatin ai nuk po ju rras hiq se e din mir qka e gjen me bo me zon une niher ne dor ka me vra hahhahhhahahhahhahaahhaahahhaahhhahahahaa nese tung ju pershendes nga ABO klm
    Anonymous said...
    i looooooooove your songs but most you
    Anonymous said...
    you are a veeeeeeeeeery good singer and the girls lovvvve you
    Anonymous said...
    your video are very nice you look very good and your voice i love that voice
    je shume i bukur bre
    ralle ka njeri sikur ti!!!!!!!!
    Anonymous said...
    ur the hottest guy everrr and the best albo singerrrrr XOXOXOX
    Anonymous said...
    ur the hottesttt guy everrr and ur the best albanian singer I LOVE YOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU xooxoxxx
    Anonymous said...
    tung shpat

    aje mire? po mendoj shum per ty...!!! kur dot shiflem hahahahaha!!??? je shume i buure e dua shume muzien tende!!!

    nadia atje vajzë msn.....
    Anonymous said...
    Hi shpati!!
    I´m one of ypur biggest fan.
    I like ypur songs but I like you to. It´s two question I like to ask: Where are you from ..are you from Albania, Kosovo or from Macedonia .. If you are from Maceedonia from what city? Because I´m from Macedonia And I like to now if we are from the same city.. And do you live in you native countryor or abroad? I live in Sweden .. and it´s an other question I like to ask you: if you can do a concert i Malme of Sweden .. please?

    Don´t Forget I´m your biggest fan.. you understand if you se my room.. Love you so mutch..

    Love Your Biggest Fan
    // Genta from Sweden

    P.S I LOve your song Valle Kosovare.. !!
    Anonymous said...
    hi shpat kasapi,from the moment i saw u sing agjamiu i fell in love with the song and i also fell in love with you.your the most person i love and im showr that i will alway love u for the rest of my life.XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
    from vala
    Anonymous said...
    hi sexy.i just wanted to say that i think that your so sexy even sexyer then ermal fejzullahui and dont wory about him sing better then you because he does' just lisning to your song valle kosovare and it sweet i aways think it was ment to be for you and me.X X X X X X vala
    Anonymous said...
    if by any chance shpat kasapi sees this please consider coming to michigan for a concert. We would really love to have you here and man you are the best out there thats why we love you.
    all the best to you
    your biggest fan OLA
    Anonymous said...
    you are so great to sing you are 1000% better then ermal he sing like he sleep your voice is so nice
    Anonymous said...
    Hi Shpati, je shume i bukur...
    Vetem vazhdo se je shume i mire, te lutem nese e qet naj muzik te re qite me emrin tim Haxhere ose nese kisha mundesi me lujt te nje Videoclip i yti..
    Anonymous said...
    ciaoo bellissimo..=) ej a je mir?bre...... ej a e din se ie mir mir mir mirmir mir mir mir mir mir met po nuk din cka mui met scum e mir heheh ...x mir se ne svizer ko zedeat tua se..heeh i kam kreit kreitttt .... bohl se skova ok tung lock tvtttbxs=) sei un mitoo sei bellissimo fantastikooo bello un bscionee..((kisssssssssssssssssssssss)) heheh ciao =)
    Anonymous said...
    Anonymous said...
    you are the best and i think it cany be better I'm your biggest fan
    Anonymous said...
    is shpat kasapi evaer reads this you had better come to england and sigh over her.
    p.s you are so sexy dude i would not mind sharing a bed with you
    jokes any way you are a good singer and i love you x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
    Anonymous said...
    Bellissama canzone davvero ^_^
    Anonymous said...
    shpat je shum i bukur.kenget i ki shum te mira je i bukur si christiano ronaldo. te fala nga gjermanija. tungggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg
    Anonymous said...
    jeni ,,cull,,ma i miri tungi nga une ....
    Anonymous said...
    a ban me ma knue nji kang se shum po kam marak e po me shkon per qejfi qajo kanga axhamiu se edhe un jam axhami vallai te fala shpies tane mos haarrrooo please
    Anonymous said...
    hajt be ma frajk se na dul shpajrti tu prit per taj i am from turkmenistan you are really good
    Anonymous said...
    taj je dora jeme e dyt dhe kraja jeme e par a ke pi najher rasoj _ hajde per ne syfir hajna pite me lakna te majra
    Anonymous said...
    hi shpat si jeni sonde me gjith se e keni meritua cmimin e madh ne topfest3 ci nuk ja kan dhen ju gjithmon do te mbizotrosh ne zemrat e vajzave dhe djemve te malit te zi dhe mezi te presim qe te te shohim se shpejti ka mali i zi me nje koncert tuajin. ta them te verteten kur zeri juaj digjohet atmosfera behet e kendshme keni nje ze fantastik. ELIZABETA nga Mali i Zi.MWAH shpat Zoti te bekoft e te ruejt kudo qe te jesh dhe kudo qe te shkosh.
    Anonymous said...
    hi shpat
    i am from uk, this was my first time of hearing the albanian songs espacilly urs "shpat" coz when i first hear ur song called "shuje"
    i really like it please send me mail in this email edress.
    Anonymous said...
    hi shpat kasapi
    please send me mail on the adress that i have given already i am wating.
    byeee love
    Anonymous said...
    hi shpat
    u r the sexiest guy i have ever seen.
    Anonymous said...
    hi sphpat u my nigga i love u and i think u r soooooooooooooooooooo hot
    Anonymous said...
    lol dont think that this is stupit and all but whos mriza i was reading the comments that peopel wrot to shopat and i couldnt help but notic some girl wrote i wouldnt want to be in mrizaz shoes! um.. wow.. maybe i havent been watching the latest albo news on singers but lol is that his gf, well umm probebly and all and, i just wanted to let u know shpat i love u and no mriza or whomever can take u away from me! okay well goodbye hon hon! o and nice talking to u on mysace sweety sorry i comment so much there and here BUT U KNOW U LIKE IT! hhhaha WELL honey i got to run! lol BUBYE! and thnx for singin for me on that song KUSH TE NDAU PREJ MEJE! for real! it's ma favorite song! and ladiez hope u know that song is for me muahah! lol ok bubye cutie
    Anonymous said...
    heykann mir bittee jemand sagen wie alt shpat kasapi ist???????????
    ist sowas von wichtig !!!!!!! danke schonmal im voraus
    kattia love said...
    ciao shpat? come stai? lascia stare le ragazze "sciemo" e pensa di piu alle tue canzoni amore.
    io mi chiamo Katia e ho 19 anni.
    studio archittetura, canto e sono una brava ballerina.
    mi descrivo:
    ho gli occhi verdi, i cappelli biondo-castanno, sono alta, snella.
    spero che mi riconoscierai e mi parlerai.
    bye Kattia.
    Anonymous said...
    shpati kendon shpati vallzon blerta per shpatin kreit i tranon shpat te dûa shuuuuuum kisssss nga zvizera
    Anonymous said...
    ooooooo shpat o king i botes je bre
    je ma i miri dhe ma i bukuri ne ket bot...
    je fantastik krejt..
    zerin e ki 10she...
    te dua shummmmmmmm
    kiss kiss
    Anonymous said...
    heyyy shaPT DUUUU gehörst mir weist du unsere nacht im heissem sommer am seee in strug bohh du bekommst soo schnell ein orgasmus bye bye deine arta
    Anonymous said...
    Anonymous said...
    Shpat, i'm loving your music!!! i listen all the time. I fell in love with your language and country..... I'm an English girl living in London but i have learnt to speak a little of the Albanian language. Keep up the good work. Diten e mir dhe mirupafshim :-) Laura x
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Albanian Video Music The Experimental Television Center’s Video History Project is an on-going research initiative which documents video art and community television, as it evolved in rural and urban New York State, and across the US. Begun in 1994, the Project has several initiatives including research, conferences and the website. Project Goals to provide a dynamic vehicle for the creation and dissemination of an inclusive media history, encouraging participation by a wide range of people including early practitioners as well as those presently shaping this history to identify, locate, and make accessible media history resources - tapes, artists’ instruments, writings and ephemera. to underscore the importance of intellectual access to information and to position independent media arts activities within a broader cultural context by cultivating research and public programming of these materials by those in the arts, humanities and sciences to increase public awareness of and appreciation for media and to create new audiences for the work by suggesting contexts in which the work can be appreciated. to encourage alliances among collecting institutions and those with educational and curatorial programs to assist the preservation of the works Significance of Our Endangered Media History New York State hosted some of the earliest media activity in the nation, and was home to many media and artists’ organizations and individual practitioners. The State’s arts and cultural organizations house some of the most extensive collections of early video art and community television in the United States. With the first introduction of portable media technology in the late 1960s, creative and community-minded people worked alone and collectively, with a shared mission to train and equip ordinary citizens with the means of creating and distributing independent programming. Media makers explored video as an art medium and as a tool for social and cultural change, producing documentaries, narratives, conceptual, and image-processed work presented on cable and television, in regional and community venues and in art contexts. Thousands of tapes by these pioneers of independent media are scattered throughout the State in rural and urban centers, in libraries, museums, media arts centers, artists’ spaces, universities, video collectives and in private collections. Along with the tapes themselves are other resources and documents which broaden our understanding of the works, and also the historical and social environments within which they were produced. There are many possibilities for research, scholarship, education and public programming of these materials in the arts and humanities. Unfortunately, this tremendous historical and cultural legacy remains largely unknown and difficult to access, while the tapes and documentation are deteriorating, at risk of being lost to future generations. While the number and scope of media education and communications programs have expanded dramatically in the past decade, access to early video collections remains limited, and information is difficult to locate and access. In an environment of rapid and dynamic technological change, the media arts field now encompasses new digital tools and systems which have profound implications for the creation of works and the interactions of audiences with works. With access to historical records and documents we can begin to explore the ways in which earlier arts practices inform the evolution of contemporary work and its position in culture. By inviting people to help us make materials accessible, we work together to establish contexts for the study of early media projects, and increase public awareness about the work done over the last four decades. By contributing information, you are fostering a dynamic and inclusive history, giving voice to the many independent media makers and organizations, small and large, that have worked to advance the media field. The Center began work on the Video History Project in 1994. It is a reflection of our commitment to and participation in the media arts field since 1968, a concern with preservation of the artifacts of the history, and a recognition of the difficulty of accessing information and locating resources. We invite your participation.